YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.
Updating membership information
Member of Suomen Yrittäjät, please keep your membership information up to date! You may update your information on the member service. Keeping the information current is crucial for us to be able to serve you and your company as well as possible.
The login page of the member service can be found at yrittajat.fi/kirjaudu. A link to the login page can also be found in the top menu of this yrittajat.fi website when you view the site on a computer browser. On a mobile phone the login link can be found at the end of the accordion menu.

Managing membership information on the member service
After you have logged in to the member service, you can find your membership information under your user name in the top right corner of the website. You may update your personal information in the User Profile section (Käyttäjäprofiili) , while your company’s information can be found in the Company Profile section (Yritysprofiili).

Companies seek contacts for business to business operations. Having up-to-date company information helps your company stand out and find partners that are an exact fit for your business operations. Also remember to keep your personal information updated so that we as an organisation can deliver you contents and benefits that interest you specifically.
You should update your membership information at least once a year, or more often if need be. If you run into any problems while updating your information, please contact jasenpalvelu@yrittajat.fi.