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Employer’s obligations

Becoming an employer brings with it a number of obligations. Some of them are statutory and others are based on sectoral collective agreements. The Employee page briefly discusses the key factors that you should keep in mind as an employer.

Remember that you do not need to know the Employment Contract Act or rules of the collective bargaining agreements off by heart. However, it is still good to know where to find information and how laws and collective bargaining agreement rules affect the employer’s and employee’s rights obligations. It is to both parties’ benefit when matters are handled correctly from the start and as required by law.

Employer’s checklist

We’re delighted that your business is growing! When your company hires more employees, your duties as an employer also grow. Read about the obligations you have as an employer when you hire your first employee, or when you have 10, 20 or 30 employees.

Employment legislation

The key laws affecting the employer-employee relationship are the Employment Contracts Act, the Working Hours Act and the Annual Holidays Act. Other laws regulating employment rights and obligations include the Non-discrimination Act, the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Occupational Health Care Act. All employment legislation can be found free of charge at finlex.fi.

In this section:

Employees’ contributions and insurance

Employers’ contributions are mandatory costs employers must pay in addition to salary. The size of an insurance premium or other payment is affected by your employee’s age, employment duration and salary. Read more about employers’ contributions and their terms and conditions.

Read more: Employees’ contributions and insurance

Occupational health care and well-being at work

As an employer, you must arrange free occupational health services for your employees. Remember that the statutorily mandatory occupational health services are preventive.

Read more: Occupational health care and well-being at work

Occupational safety and OSH

Occupational safety and health (OSH) improves employee safety, health and work capacity. The goal is to prevent occupational accidents, health impacts, illnesses and disability. The Occupational Health Care Act lays out the obligations of the employer, other persons with an impact on occupational safety, and employees.

Read more: Occupational safety and OSH

Employee rights and privacy protection

Here, we discuss employees’ rights in employment, particularly from the perspective of privacy protection. An understanding of the employer’s and employee’s rights and obligations creates a firm basis for working together.

Read more: Employee rights and privacy protection

Equality Promotion Plan and non-discrimination

The equality and non-discrimination of employees in the workplace are important to maintain a good working atmosphere. That, in turn, affects the business’s success. This page contains instructions for writing a business’s Equality Promotion Plan and Non-Discrimination Plan.

Read more: Equality Promotion Plan and non-discrimination

Incomes Register

Employers file salary information with a centralized Incomes Register for official needs.

Read more: Incomes Register

Legislation which must be displayed by law

The law obligates you as an employer to keep several pieces of employment legislation on display in the workplace. The purpose is to ensure that employees can easily consult the essential employment legislation in one place if they wish to.

Read more: Legislation which must be displayed by law

Work subject to permit and other situations requiring special permission

Some jobs require a permit, and you must notify the occupational safety and health (OSH) authorities if you do this type of work. The OSH authorities monitor occupational safety and health in practice

Read more: Work subject to permit and other situations requiring special permission

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