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Introduction to Sustainability

  • Suomen Yrittäjät

Basics of sustainability

In this course you will learn the basics of sustainability, how businesses implement sustainability and get to know best practices and the first steps to take to start on your sustainability journey.

The intention is to give you a clear explanation on topics related to sustainability. During the course basic level information is discussed.

The course is free of charge for members of Suomen Yrittäjät.

The course is conducted online on a learning platform called Claned. The material includes short videos and questions. You can access the course materials and study with your own pace until 31st of December 2024. The registration is open until 15th of December.

Content of the course

The goal of this part is that you gain a clear understanding of the importance of sustainability. Also few steps are shared for you to get started and get you thinking strategically when it comes to your personal responsibility journey.

Following topics are discussed:

  • The definitions used and what does this mean for a company and an entrepreneur wanting to focus on their responsibility.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility & ESG’s and why this is important
  • Examples of companies doing interesting things in the field of sustainability and paving the way for others.
  • How you can start taking steps in making a plan and creating a strategy for yourself.

In this part you walk through what sustainable procurement is, and how you can get started on procuring more responsibly. The goal is that you learn the basics on sustainable procurement and you understand the value of acting responsibly.

Following topics are discussed:

  • Definitions of sustainable procurement: The quadruple bottom line
  • Why it is important for companies: Misconceptions and opportunities
  • Examples of companies applying and creating policies to follow up on a sustainable procurement
  • How you can start implementing

In this part the goal is that you understand why it is important to communicate your efforts, why transparency is so important and how you can integrate communication in your sustainability and marketing strategies. Also examples of companies doing a good job on communicating their impact are shared, so that you get ideas of how you can get started.

Following topics are discussed:

  • Recap of sustainability and why a sustainability strategy is important
  • Why communicate and how to do it right – avoiding greenwashing and greenhushing
  • Creating an impact report – CSR, ESG, and other things you need to know
  • How you can start communicating
  • Examples


Andrea Gilly

Andrea Gilly


Andrea Gilly is from Mexico and has lived in Finland for six years. She is an entrepreneur and her company is called Gilly. She works as a consultant and mentor with companies, designing creative sustainability strategies. Andrea works with clients who want to start implementing sustainable solutions in their company, but don’t know where to start.

Andrea’s background is in product design, and she has studied a Masters in sustainability at Aalto University (which brought her to Finland). This knowledge gives her a creative perspective to address sustainability in innovative ways, targeted specifically to her clients.

Register here
Free of charge for members of Suomen Yrittäjät
Further information and data protection matters

Additional information and questions about the course, contact akatemia@yrittajat.fi

GDPR related issues, contact Heidi Jäntti, heidi.jantti@yrittajat.fi