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Tax Administration texts customers reminders about VAT due dates
The text messages worried some business owners and raised concerns they are scams.
Sole traders and newly registered limited liability companies have received text message reminders about VAT filing dates from the Tax Administration.
The messages have worried some business owners and raised concerns they are scams. However, the messages are genuine.
The messages reminded recipients of the due date of 12 September and of the need to prepare all necessary data and receipts for the VAT filing.
“This is a pilot. We’re sending the messages with varying wording and testing what message works best. Recipients do not need to reply to the messages,” Mari Valkonen, Communications Planner at the Tax Administration, says.
The Tax Administration is evaluating the efficacy of the messages by comparing its data about the recipients with data about who files the VAT declarations.
On Friday 9 September, 10,000 text messages were sent.
“It’s good that people are alert about whether text messages are genuine. The sender of the text messages is ‘Vero – Skatt’, and they do not contain links or ask for customers’ data.”
If suspicious, check
The Tax Administration has posted information about its text messages on its website.
Scam messages have previously been sent claiming to be from the Tax Administration. For example, people received bogus messages about non-existent tax rebates.
The website has instructions on distinguishing a scam message from genuine messages from the Tax Administration.
“In general, you cannot access the Tax Administration’s online services without logging in. Personal customers log in at https://tunnistaminen.suomi.fi using online banking codes, an electronic ID card or a mobile verification. Corporate customers sign in using a suomi.fi mandate.
“Scam sites do not generally contain such authentication methods, or they ask people to authenticate using other methods, such as a credit card number or PayPal.
“When the connection is secured, the URL in the address bar begins with https. In addition, a lock icon often denotes a secure connection.”

Elina Hakola