Suomen Yrittäjät
Member benefits
Jurinet Campaign, Legal and counselling services

Jurinet: Campaign benefit

Validity of benefit:

As a seasonal benefit, we offer a free 30-minute mapping of your company’s sustainability issues. This is a light introduction to reporting in line with the EU Corporate Responsibility Directive. The membership benefit is valid until 31.8.2024.

The materiality analysis provides a clear framework for creating a sustainability report for your company. We do not require an existing sustainability strategy, as the materiality analysis is a natural starting point for developing responsible business practices.

In the materiality analysis, we look at the impact of the business on society and the environment, and then identify the impacts, risks and opportunities that society and the environment have on your business. The materiality analysis assists in identifying and managing diverse risks and opportunities and supports the development of a responsible business conduct.

Our lawyers and consultants specialized in corporate responsibility and human rights will familiarize your company with the EU reporting regulations that will apply to you and will come into force in a gradual manner over the next five years.


As a member of Suomen Yrittäjät you are entitled to many services and benefits!