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Kymen Yrittäjät

Kaupunkikampusviikko/Kohoa Citycampus 18.-20.9.

  • Kymen Yrittäjät

Tervetuloa kurkistamaan ammattikorkeakoulun opetukseen ja opiskeluun.

Kaupunkikampusviikon toteuttaa yhteistyössä Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu XAMK, LUT yliopiston Kouvolan yksikkö, Kouvola Innovation Oy, Kymenlaakson kauppakamari, Kohoa Synergiakeskus ja Kymen Yrittäjät.

Kaupunkikampusviikot -konseptissa kehitetään malli opiskelijoiden, yritysten ja yrittäjien parempaan kohtaamiseen. Kaupunkikampusviikon ohjelma on suunniteltu soveltumaan yrityksille ja yrittäjille, jotka haluavat päivittää konkreettisia tietoja ja taitoja sekä verkostoitua tulevaisuuden osaajien kanssa.

Kaupunkikampusviikoissa on myös vahva yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tavoite, opiskelijat tutustuvat yrittäjyyteen ja yrittäjiin. Tämän kertainen Kaupunkikampusviikko on kohdennettu XAMK:n IB-opiskelijoille sekä kaikille alueen eri alojen yrityksille ja yrittäjille. Ohjelma toteutetaan täysin englannin kielellä.

Tervetuloa osallistumaan Kaupunkikampusviikolle kuuntelijana, oppijana ja verkostoitujana!
Voit ilmoittautuessasi päättää, mihin osioihin haluat osallistua.

Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä.


Welcome to take a peek into the teaching and studying at the University of Applied Sciences!

Kohoa Citycampus is organised in cooperation with South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences XAMK, the Kouvola unit of the LUT University, Kouvola Innovation Oy, Kymenlaakso Chamber of Commerce, Kohoa Synergy Center and The Regional Association of Entrepreneurs in Kymenlaakso.

Kohoa Citycampus concept develops a model for better interaction between students, local companies and entrepreneurs. Kohoa Citycampus programme is designed for students, businesses and entrepreneurs who want to update their knowledge and skills, plus network with future talents.

Kohoa Citycampus has a strong entrepreneurial education objective, introducing students to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. This time Kohoa Citycampus is targeted at XAMK IB students, together with all businesses and entrepreneurs from different sectors in the region. The program is entirely in English.

Welcome to participate in Kohoa Citycampus as a listener, learner and networker!
When registering, please select which parts of the program you want to attend.

Register here.


18.9. MONDAY
Facilitator: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, XAMK

Coffee, tea, porriage.

Kirsi Vainio, Head of Communications and Marketing at City of Kouvola

Hugh Clack, Senior Lecturer & International Studies Coordinator & Student Counsellor at XAMK

Ideation session: international students´ needs and expectations from the town of Kouvola, products, services, infrastructure etc.

Lunch break

City of Kouvola organizes an event for Presidential candidates.

Sara Czabai-Leppänen, Senior Lecturer at Xamk.

Introduction lecture and action workshop.

Slaveya Hämäläinen, Senior Lecturer at Xamk.

Introduction lecture followed by discussion

See you tomorrow.

Facilitator: Kymenlaakso Chamber of Commerce and The Regional Association of Entrepreneurs in Kymenlaakso (Kymen Yrittäjät)

Coffee, tea, porriage.

Kari Jääskeläinen, Regional Director at The Regional Association of Entrepreneurs in Kymenlaakso

Marika Kirjavainen, CEO at Kymenlaakso Chamber of Commerce

  • Mission to develop the whole province and especially improve the prospects for business operations. We possess a strong influence in the region, and through our actions help in making Kymenlaakso more attractive and promoting the competitiveness of the local companies and enterprises.

Sanna Tukiainen, Research Consultant at Eezy Personnel

Dr. Marko Torkkeli, Professor of Technology and Business Innovations at the LUT University

5 minutes.

Innocode Oy/Lassi Niemi, Lead Software Engineer
Crazy Company Oy/Anneli Hulkko, Business Coach

MOONA’s guidance and counselling is free of charge. The service is available without a reservation. At MOONA, you can receive information f.ex. on the following issues: residence permits, citizenship, social and health care, municipal services, education, working life, housing, leisure time, guidance on filling in forms, guidance on digitization.

Lunch break

Heli Vartiainen, Community manager at Kohoa Synergiakeskus Oy

Ariful Islam, Specialist at South-Eastern Finland Employment Office

Participants will have the opportunity to create their own Ikigai maps, focusing on two essential questions: “What am I good at?” and “What does the world (especially the Kymenlaakso region) need?”

15 minutes.

Group Discussion and Group Presentations – “Dos and Don’ts as a Worker and Employer in Finland”

Insights and Solutions

See you tomorrow.

Facilitator: Kimmo Niemi, CEO at Kouvola Innovation Oy

Coffee, tea, porriage.

Timo Lehmusmetsä, Business Advisor at Kouvola Innovation Oy

Marko Kangaskolkka, CEO at Flying Lynx

Rushitha Fonseka, 3rd year Digital International Business Degree Student at XAMK, Kouvola Campus

Lunch break

*ship Akatemia & entrepreneurship opportunities at Xamk
Minna Lehesvuori and Mikko Vihanto, Xamk Xentre

Patteri Entrepreneurship Society ry
Sabina Akhmetova & Georgii Iuzefovich, Patteri ES

Erna Gronow, Jani Kiviranta and Heli Vartiainen

15 minutes.

Challenges and demand for employees could open up possibilities for entrepreneurship to offer knowledge, solutions and a whole team for businesses. How to make it reality?

15 minutes.

Group Presentations

Thank you!

The event is organized as part of the entrepreneurship education project funded by Kymenlaakso Liitto.

We reserve the right to make changes.

Ilmoittaudu tästä mukaan
Kauppalankatu 13, 45100 Kouvola