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7.3.2023 klo 08:59

Suomen 18. määräaikaisraportti uudistetun Euroopan sosiaalisen peruskirjan täytäntöönpanosta



Ulkoministeriö on pyytänyt Suomen Yrittäjiltä lausuntoa uudistetun Euroopan sosiaalisen peruskirjan soveltamisesta laaditusta 18. määräaikaisraporista. Suomen Yrittäjät kiittää mahdollisuudesta lausua Suomen toimittamasta raportista ja esittää siitä seuraavat huomiot (lausuntopyynnön mukaan englanniksi).

Suomen Yrittäjät ry (The Federation of Finnish Enterprises; FFE) considers the 18th periodic report on the implementation of the revised European Social Charter is appropriate. The FFE is at opinion that the Finnish legislation is in conformity with the Charter.

Regarding complaint 106/2014, the FFE refers to the views expressed in is previous statements on the matter, especially statement given on 10th September 2019 in the context of 15th periodic report. The FFE considers the Finnish legislation is not in conflict with the Art. 24 of the revised European Social Charter.

Regarding complaint 129/2016, the FFE recalls that the Finnish legislation explicitly prohibits any discrimination on grounds on gender, also regarding matters of pay. The FFE is at opinion that the gender pay gap is not result of pay discrimination but mainly due to labour market segregation. In addition, comparing average levels of pay between women and me does not correspond the reality on how the principle of equal pay realizes in the workplaces. The current legislation also contains sufficient procedures for remedies to individuals.

Suomen Yrittäjät

Janne Makkula

Albert Mäkelä
asiantuntija, OTM