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“Good reputation attracts new experts” – Guide to the recruitment process
When a business is seeking new employees, the first task is to identify the scope of the work assignment. When a new recruit is found, induction training plays a key role. These also apply to the hiring of summer employees.
Employees often find their way to the British businessman Theo Turner of their own accord. Turner’s company Wild About Lapland operates in Rovaniemi and the surrounding areas. The company offers nature experiences for tourists throughout the year.
“I have a good understanding and love of the outdoor world. As an ex-Royal Marine Commando and outdoor adventure enthusiast the tourism industry here was the perfect fit for my skill sets,” Turner explains.
Wild About Lapland aims to employ local people, however, a large proportion of the staff come from outside Finland.Many of them keep coming back.
“We recruit for each winter season, we start our recruitment immediately in the spring. We have a large number of returning workers and of course we try to find as many local workers as possible but the bulk of our seasonal employment comes from overseas. Often our workers find us!
Sometimes the duties may be a surprise to an employee who is not fully prepared for the nature of seasonal work.
“Our biggest challenge is often related to immigration for those from outside the EU and then managing expectations of our workers. Are they really prepared for what a short seasonal job entails? All of our staffing challenges are becoming easier to resolve with time and experience,” Turner points out.
“Clear communication, website, and social media help in recruitment”
Jenna Palojärvi works as a human resources manager at Apukka Resort in Rovaniemi. The working language at Apukka Resort is English, and dozens of foreigners work at the resort each year.
“We offer unique accommodation, unforgettable trips and experiences, and delicious flavours to our guests who come from all over the world. The Resort is open in the autumn and winter, and in the future also in the summer season. The services offered by the company include accommodation in glass igloos and lakeview apartments, as well as activities such as husky, reindeer and horse tours, snowmobile tours, sauna experiences, ice fishing, electric fatbiking, and lots more,” Palojärvi lists.
“Induction materials, job advertisements etc. are also published in English in addition to Finnish. As a rule, we require that job applicants must also be proficient in English.”
Palojärvi points out that it is important to choose the right time to start recruitment. Moreover, when the staff are happy with the employer, it creates a positive cycle. Word gets around and attracts new employees.
“Clear communication, website, and social media help in recruitment. That’s where the applicants get an overall picture of our company. We have overseas employees whose friends have recommended Apukka as a workplace and have come to work for us that way. We are and seek to be a good place to work, and we are constantly working on this matter,” Palojärvi emphasises.
Although it is easy to find recruits, it is challenging to find the best channels to catch the attention of applicants. Sometimes, on the other hand, a new employee may feel that the work is not suitable for them.
“In these situations we always discuss with the employee whether another position in our company would be more appropriate for them. That way we have been able to keep many brilliant employees with us.”
“We wrestle with the same challenges as surely many other companies in Rovaniemi do with respect to the sufficiency of staff accommodation,” Palojärvi adds.

Tips for recruiting summer employees – Guide to the recruitment process
1. Identify the work tasks
Identify the work tasks for which summer employees are required. Think what is required in the performance of the tasks and what kind of an employee you are seeking. Consider in advance how to introduce new employees into the work community and how they can be supported in their work in the best possible way.
2. Guide to the recruitment process
Have an open mind about the recruitment process and make sure that the job advertisement attracts employees to apply for the job and that it takes potential applicants into account equally.
Check with the Employment and Economic Development Office whether it is possible to apply for, e.g. pay subsidy for hiring summer employees or whether the local council subsidises the recruitment of young people in some way. The Employment and Economic Development Offices also provide help in seeking summer employees. Don’t forget to also notify the unsuccessful applicants about the selection of summer employees.
3. Draw up a written contract of employment
It is worth drawing up the contract of employment in writing. The contract of employment should state at least the amount of pay, working hours, duties, length and start date of employment, any collective agreement applied, and the grounds for a fixed-term contract.
Also check whether the collective agreement contains, for example, any obligations or regulations concerning the wages of young employees.
4. Provide thorough induction training and take care of employment matters
It is worth providing thorough induction training for a summer employee in the same way as with other employees even if they are employed only on a temporary basis. It also pays to ensure that the young person knows who to turn to if they have any questions or challenges regarding their work.
Don’t forget that a young employee needs to have a paid health check before starting work, or within one month of the start if the employment lasts for more than three months. However, the check is not required if the duties are particularly light.
5. Remember the payslip and a certificate of employment
A payslip must also be provided in connection with the payment of wages. Remember to give a certificate of employment to the summer employee at the end of the employment. Moreover, the wages must also be submitted to the incomes register with regard to short-term employment relationships.
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